
Showing posts from November, 2018

Tommy Lee Is The Godfather of On-Stage Roller Coasters

I was perusing Twitter stumbled across this. When @trvisXX brings his very own rollercoaster.... #LIVEatPruCenter — Prudential Center (@PruCenter) November 25, 2018 If you need help in breaking down that video, that's rapper Travis Scott with a roller coaster on-stage. Cool right? Wrong! Unless you think plagiarism is cool! I present to you the one and only Tommy Lee on HIS roller coaster.   Yup. Mr. Lee was the originator of onstage roller coasters and I'll be damned if he doesn't get credit for this. I can leave with some level of injustice but this I can;t tolerate look at this statement from Travis Scott's people: UPDATE: In a statement, a legal representative for Travis Scott said: "Tommy didn’t invent the concept of a roller coaster on stage and there’s no legal basis for his accusatory outburst." — Consequence of Sound (@consequence) November 29, 2018 Please tell me ...

Dumb Lady Who Gave Daughter Dumb Name Gets The Dumb Attention She Wanted

A southern California mom is all upset because her 5 year-old daughter was" name shamed" by an airline employee. This would be a sad story of an adult ridiculing a child for something they didn't have any say in, but then you learn what the kid's name is...'s Abcde. Y'know, like the first five letters of the alphabet in order. After learning that piece of info I'm all onboard with this shaming. Not at the kid's expense, but at the mom's. I love a good bit of shaming. Apparently that's not a popular stance in the ultra-soft times we live in, but a good-dose of public shaming can be a good way to call attention to something or be an impetus for positive change. The reason this mom gave her kid such a ridiculous name was for attention. Did she want the kid to be special? Probably. However, more importantly, she wanted people to think that SHE was special or at the very least somewhat interesting. What I can't stand about peopl...

Someone Needs To Say It: Jim Jones Was A Bad Dude

I love myself a good cult story,  I've talked about that before , and so I found myself watching a documentary series on the Jonestown Massacre. I've read and watched a lot of material on Jonestown over the years and I've come to a formal conclusion: Jim Jones was an unsavory character. As controversial an opinion as that may be, it's the truth. Like all good cult leaders, Jim Jones started out as a creepy kid. He held elaborate funerals for roadkill. I know that this was in like the 30s, but a red flag should have been raised right then and there. Sane people don't do anything with roadkill except scoop it up with a shovel and fling it into their neighbor's yard. Still, no one said anything and that lead to ol' Jonesy starting one of the first integrated churches in Indiana, before moving to California. I've heard California referred to as "The Land Of Fruit And Nuts" so maybe Jim Jones drank the Kool-Aid with which he has become synon...

Enough. With. The. Singing. Competition. TV. Shows.

I normally don't care about what's on TV these days because I generally don't watch it. But, when I do happen to be watching something, my eyes are assaulted by commercials for whatever is the new singing competition du jour, and I've had enough of it.  I'll concede American Idol because it was new when it came out which made it exciting. That show was huge. In fact, I bet more people voted during the first season of American Idol than during the last mid-term elections. Now every network has shows where people sing competitively and they're all practically the same. But Matt, the show I like has the judges looking the other way so they can't judge a book by it's cover. This one always makes me laugh because the premise is basically this: some peoples' ugliness is so distracting that even if they're a decent singer, no one can get past that uni-brow and crooked teeth so the playing field needs to be leveled. Plus, do you really think a p...

A One-Year Thank You As Heartfelt As I'm Capable Of

Only yesterday did I realize that it's been more than one year since I started posting my semi-coherent thoughts on the internet and I've been too busy... doing... uh... alright, in all honesty, I have no excuse. I just flat out forgot when I started this blog, and turns out it was late October in the year of our Lord, 2017. But I wanted to thank all my friends, family, and even strangers who, while likely perusing the dark web for mail order brides, somehow stumbled upon this blog. If it got even a polite "well at least he's trying" chuckle or one of those laughs where you blow air out of your nose, I'm happy. Here's to many more years!  (Or at least until i get tired of blogging/podcasting.)

TMRF Episode #7: A Cornucopia of Good Times And Jocularity

Matt discusses why Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday, how Black Friday is America's premiere day for trampling, and how "Friendsgiving" ripped him off.

TMRF Podcast #6: He Seems 'Armless

Matt talks about voting in the upcoming election, how Oprah could conquer a small nation if she felt like it, and the actor who cut off his own arm so that he would get more acting work. Give it a listen, and be sure to click the ol' subscribe button, pally!