The United States Surgeon General has announced that teenagers vaping has become a full on epidemic. First of all, we're using the word "epidemic" a little liberally. Polio was an epidemic. In this humble podcaster's/blogger's/amateur archaeologist's opinion, a bunch of 16-year olds cranking some Mango Juul pods does not an epidemic make. Is it a problem? Sure it is, but we as a society let it get this way because we sounded the alarm that vaping is bad for you. Do you know what makes a teenager who is looking to take any opportunity to rebel against their parents and/or authority figures want to go out and start puffing more steam than Old Faithful? Telling them that vaping is bad. This happens with everything, with booze and cigarettes being prime examples. If something is deemed bad and dangerous, it becomes cool. So let's make it uncool, by having adults tell them it's awesome. I want every parent out there to start taking up vaping. If y...
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