I’ve been known to throw on a little ESPN in the background as I go about my day. Today was no different. What WAS different was the programming. I was introduced to competitive beanbag toss. At least that’s what I call it. They were calling it “cornhole” which is a horrendous name that I just refuse to use it. You have beanbags, you toss them, boom, beanbag toss. It might be a table tennis vs. ping-pong sort of thing, where one is the professional sounding name while the other is the what you call it in when you play in your basement. The athletes were exactly what you’d expect. Kind of nerdy looking dudes, who I’m shocked didn’t have Bud Lights in their non-throwing hands. That’s not because they look like they enjoy tipping a few back, but because in my experience, playing this game with a few in you was the only way to be any good. Outside of elite competitions like the one I watched this afternoon (which looked like it was being held in the smal...
The United States Surgeon General has announced that teenagers vaping has become a full on epidemic. First of all, we're using the word "epidemic" a little liberally. Polio was an epidemic. In this humble podcaster's/blogger's/amateur archaeologist's opinion, a bunch of 16-year olds cranking some Mango Juul pods does not an epidemic make. Is it a problem? Sure it is, but we as a society let it get this way because we sounded the alarm that vaping is bad for you. Do you know what makes a teenager who is looking to take any opportunity to rebel against their parents and/or authority figures want to go out and start puffing more steam than Old Faithful? Telling them that vaping is bad. This happens with everything, with booze and cigarettes being prime examples. If something is deemed bad and dangerous, it becomes cool. So let's make it uncool, by having adults tell them it's awesome. I want every parent out there to start taking up vaping. If y...
I love myself a good cult story, I've talked about that before , and so I found myself watching a documentary series on the Jonestown Massacre. I've read and watched a lot of material on Jonestown over the years and I've come to a formal conclusion: Jim Jones was an unsavory character. As controversial an opinion as that may be, it's the truth. Like all good cult leaders, Jim Jones started out as a creepy kid. He held elaborate funerals for roadkill. I know that this was in like the 30s, but a red flag should have been raised right then and there. Sane people don't do anything with roadkill except scoop it up with a shovel and fling it into their neighbor's yard. Still, no one said anything and that lead to ol' Jonesy starting one of the first integrated churches in Indiana, before moving to California. I've heard California referred to as "The Land Of Fruit And Nuts" so maybe Jim Jones drank the Kool-Aid with which he has become synon...
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