SPOILER ALERT: How Every TV Show About Bigfoot Ends
Turn on the Travel Channel any day, and if there isn’t a show about BBQ on, there’s a good chance that it’s a show about hunting Bigfoot or some other unknown animals, also known as cryptids. (Side note: it's time to combine the two shows into one. People look for Bigfoot, but at the same time smoke a world class brisket. I’d call it something simple like “Bigfoot BBQ,” then just wait for the Emmys to start rolling in.) When I was a kid, I watched hours upon hours of these shows and to this day I have been known to kick back and watch a show where a bunch of guys sit on a boat and stare at a lochin hopes that they’ll see Nessie pop her head out of the water ("loch" Scottish speak for lake for those of you not in the know. *Sniff). I’m not sure what it is I love about these shows because the second I turn one on I know that they aren’t going to find anything. How do I know that? Because if they did actually find evidence proving the existence of Bigfoot, Nessi